ミシシッピアカミミガメ(以下アカミミガメ)の生態, 生態系への影響や防除対策に関する研究事例を整理しました. 随時, 追加していきます.
Red-eared slider Trachemys scripta (subspecies elegans). LINK
Ramsay, N. F., Ng, P. K. A., O'Riordan, R. M., and Chou, L. M. 2007. The red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Asia: a review. LINK
亀崎直樹. 2015. 日本の淡水ガメ, 特にミシシッピアカミミガメに関する問題について (特集 日本における淡水カメ類の保全と管理). 爬虫両棲類学会報 2015(2): 123-133.
Cadi, A., and Joly, P. 2003. Competition for basking places between the endangered European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis galloitalica) and the introduced red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). Canadian Journal of Zoology 81(8): 1392-1398. LINK
Cadi, A., and Joly, P. 2004. Impact of the introduction of the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) on survival rates of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Biodiversity & Conservation 13(13): 2511-2518. LINK
Polo-Cavia, N., López, P., and Martín, J. 2010. Competitive interactions during basking between native and invasive freshwater turtle species. Biological Invasions 12(7): 2141-2152. LINK
Polo-Cavia, N., López, P., and Martín, J. 2011. Aggressive interactions during feeding between native and invasive freshwater turtles. Biological Invasions 13(6): 1387-1396. LINK
Polo-Cavia, N., López, P., and Martín, J. 2014. Interference competition between native Iberian turtles and the exotic Trachemys scripta. Basic and Applied Herpetology 28: 5-20. LINK
Lambert, M. R., McKenzie, J. M., Screen, R. M., Clause, A. G., Johnson, B. B., Mount, G. G., ... & Pauly, G. B. 2019. Experimental removal of introduced slider turtles offers new insight into competition with a native, threatened turtle. PeerJ 7: e7444. LINK
Cerasoli, F., Iannella, M., & Biondi, M. 2019. Between the hammer and the anvil: how the combined effect of global warming and the non-native common slider could threaten the European pond turtle. Management of Biological Invasions 10(3): 428
ミシシッピアカミミガメとニホンイシガメのニッチ比較 : 分布予測によるアプローチ
Kagayama, S., Ogano, D., Taniguchi, M., Mine, K., Ueno, S., Takahashi, H., Kamezaki, N., & Hasegawa, M. 2020. Species Distribution Modeling Provides New Insights into Different Spatial Distribution Patterns among Native and Alien Freshwater Turtles in Japan. Current Herpetology 39(2) : 147-159. LINK
干潟に定着したアカミミガメの食性 : 特に十脚類を多く捕食
吉岡志帆・木村妙子. 2018. 干潟のアカミミガメは何を食べているのか?~ 干潟と周辺淡水域における外来種ミシシッピアカミミガメの食性比較. 日本ベントス学会誌 72(2): 83-93. LINK
Lindsay, M. K., Zhang, Y., Forstner, M. R., & Hahn, D. 2013. Effects of the freshwater turtle Trachemys scripta elegans on ecosystem functioning: an approach in experimental ponds. Amphibia-Reptilia 34(1): 75-84. LINK
Yamaji, Y., & Yano, O. 2020. Feeding Damage to Native Plants by Red-eared Slider Turtles, Trachemys scripta elegans (Emydidae), in Okayama Prefecture, Western Japan. Current Herpetology 39(2): 98-107. LINK
Meyer, L., Du Preez, L., Bonneau, E., Héritier, L., Quintana, M. F., Valdeón, A., ... & Verneau, O. 2015. Parasite host-switching from the invasive American red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans, to the native Mediterranean pond turtle, Mauremys leprosa, in natural environments. LINK
総説 : 外来種アカミミガメが媒介する蠕虫類がヨーロッパ在来のカメ類に与える影響
Demkowska-Kutrzepa, M., Studzińska, M., Roczeń-Karczmarz, M., Tomczuk, K., Abbas, Z., & Różański, P. 2018. A review of the helminths co-introduced with Trachemys scripta elegans–a threat to European native turtle health. Amphibia-Reptilia 39(2): 177-189. LINK
Koizumi, N., Mori, A., Mineta, T., Sawada, E., Watabe, K., & Takemura, T. 2016. Exploratory environmental DNA analysis for investigating plant-feeding habit of the red-eared turtle using their feces samples. Jurnal Teknologi 78(1-2): 9-13. LINK
Koizumi, N., Mori, A., Mineta, T., Sawada, E., Watabe, K., & Takemura, T. 2017. Plant species identification using fecal DNAs from red-eared slider and Reeves’ pond turtle in agricultural canals for rural ecosystem conservation. Paddy and water environment 15(4): 723-730. LINK
有馬進・鈴木章弘・鄭紹輝・奥薗稔・西村巌. 2008. ミシシッピーアカミミガメのハス食害調査. Coastal bioenvironment 11: 47-54.
有馬進・鈴木章弘・鄭紹輝・田中明・奥薗稔・西村巌. 2008. ミシシッピーアカミミガメの食害調査と駆除. Coastal Bioenvironment 12: 53-57.
有馬進・鈴木章弘・鄭紹輝・奥薗稔・椿光之助. 2009. ミシシッピーアカミミガメの食害調査 (II): ハス・スイレンの消滅事例に見る移入動物と食答発生の関係. Coastal bioenvironment 14: 75-80.
西日本の溜池における淡水性カメ類の生息状況 : 分布と密度
谷口真理・上野真太郎・三根佳奈子・亀崎直樹. 2015. 西日本のため池における淡水性カメ類の分布と密度 (特集 日本における淡水カメ類の保全と管理). 爬虫両棲類学会報 2015(2): 144-157.
日本に定着したアカミミガメの異常な個体群特性 : 原産地との比較
Taniguchi, M., Lovich, J. E., Mine, K., Ueno, S., and Kamezaki, N. 2017. Unusual population attributes of invasive red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans) in Japan: do they have a performance advantage?. Aquatic Invasions. 12(1). LINK
加藤英明・小田切佑樹・服部智美・本多安希雄. 2014. 静岡市麻機地域における外来種ミシシッピアカミミガメ Trachemys scripta elegans (Testudines, Emydidae) の分布と生息状況. 東海自然誌 (静岡県自然誌研究報告) 7: 21-24. LINK
加賀山翔一・小賀野大一・長谷川雅美. (2017). 千葉県における淡水性カメ類の垂直分布. 爬虫両棲類学会報 2017(2): 156-161. LINK
Noda, H., & Ohkawara, K. 2018. Long-term Changes in Age Structures of a Naturalized Population of Freshwater Turtle, Red-eared Slider Trachemys scripta elegans. Current Herpetology 37(2): 106-113. LINK
棗田孝晴・田中潤・田中芳彦. 2019. 外来魚が侵入した千葉県北東部の池における淡水性カメ類と水生生物の生息状況. 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告 13: 1-16. LINK
加賀山翔一. 2019. 養老川流域おける淡水性カメ類の分布様式. 爬虫両棲類学会報 2019 (1): 41-49. LINK
Zhang, Y., Song, T., Jin, Q., Huang, Y., Tang, X., Sun, X., ... & Bao, W. 2019. Status of an alien turtle in city park waters and its potential threats to local biodiversity: the red-eared slider in Beijing. Urban Ecosystems: 1-11. LINK
環境DNAによるアカミミガメの検出 : 溜池での事例
Kakuda, A., Doi, H., Souma, R., Nagano, M., Minamoto, T., and Katano, I. 2019. Environmental DNA detection and quantification of invasive red-eared sliders, Trachemy scripta elegans, in ponds and the influence of water quality. PeerJ, 7, e8155. LINK
分布予測による拡大範囲の将来予測 : 主に外来種として
Ficetola, G. F., Thuiller, W., & Padoa‐Schioppa, E. 2009. From introduction to the establishment of alien species: bioclimatic differences between presence and reproduction localities in the slider turtle. Diversity and Distributions 15(1): 108-116. LINK
Rödder, D., Schmidtlein, S., Veith, M., & Lötters, S. 2009. Alien invasive slider turtle in unpredicted habitat: a matter of niche shift or of predictors studied?. PLoS one 4(11): 1-9. LINK
Heidy Kikillus, K., Hare, K. M., & Hartley, S. 2010. Minimizing false‐negatives when predicting the potential distribution of an invasive species: A bioclimatic envelope for the red‐eared slider at global and regional scales. Animal Conservation 13: 5-15. LINK
Great Lakes Basinにおけるアカミミガメの現在と将来の分布予測
Spear, M. J., Elgin, A. K., & Grey, E. K. 2018. Current and projected distribution of the red-eared slider turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans, in the Great Lakes basin. The American Midland Naturalist 179(2): 191-221. LINK
Banha, F., Gama, M., & Anastácio, P. M. 2017. The effect of reproductive occurrences and human descriptors on invasive pet distribution modelling: Trachemys scripta elegans in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological Modelling 360: 45-52. LINK
O’Keeffe, S. 2009. The practicalities of eradicating red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans). Aliens: The Invasive Species Bulletin 28: 19-25. LINK
García-Díaz, P., Ramsey, D. S., Woolnough, A. P., Franch, M., Llorente, G. A., Montori, A., and Traverso, J. M. 2017. Challenges in confirming eradication success of invasive red-eared sliders. Biological Invasions 19(9): 2739-2750. LINK
浜崎他 2019. 逢妻女川と逢妻男川におけるミシシッピアカミミガメの 民・産・学・官の共働による広域一斉防除. 矢作川研究 23: 63-67. LINK
その他 : 移入先でアカミミガメを食べる捕食者
平藪直樹. 2016. 琵琶湖南湖におけるオオクチバスによるミシシッピアカミミガメの捕食事例. 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告 10: 77-80. LINK
三根佳奈子・柿野敦志・加納学. 2012. ミシシッピアカミミガメ幼体のシマヘビによる捕食事例. 亀楽 4: 8-9.
更新日 : 2020/9/2